Simplify your daily routine
Discover the platform specialized in data aggregation for farmers. Optimize input management and save time on your daily tasks!
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Carbon credits, industry bonus, scope 3
We are experts in the fields of carbon credits, scope 3 emissions reduction and field crop premiums.
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Data confidentiality
DATA AGRI certified, MyEasyFarm guarantees data confidentiality for its users.
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Precision farming made easy & connected

MyEasyFarm supports farmers on a daily basis, so they can make the right decisions 💡 and be more efficient to improve competitiveness and profitability, while preserving the environment 🌎

It's a 100% French solution to help manage and optimize field crop farms.

MyEasyFarm for Precision Farming

Optimize your day-to-day competitiveness and profitability, while protecting the environment 🌎

Modulate your inputs easily

Manage the input modulation maps provided by your advisors and integrate them into your plot tasks!

Automate your traceability

Automate traceability and management of your farm equipment fleet: maintenance, fuel consumption, etc.

Manage and track interventions

Compile your data and manage your farm in just one click! A bird's eye view of your farm.

MyEasyFarm is for you

if you are a...

Arable and wine growers

Aggregate data, save time, optimize costs and much more!


Instant exchanges with customers, job planning, task tracking, real-time monitoring...

Cooperative and Trading

Benefit from automated feedback of your members' key indicators.


Numerous advantages for agronomic consultants and their farmers.

Farm equipment dealer

Interoperability and compatibility of farm equipment with the MyEasyFarm application

The easiest way is to give it a try!

Take a look at our solution for yourself via the demo account, or contact us by phone.

MyEasyCarbon for support on low-carbon projects

First application compatible with the Label Bas Carbone Grandes Cultures method. 🪱

Simplified diagnostic

MyEasyCarbon's Simplified Diagnostic enables you to carry out a quick and simple carbon diagnosis of a field crop farm in just a few minutes. Discover the many benefits of our tool.

Field crop Premiums and supply-chain bonus

Follow different farms towards an agro-ecological transition and a more regenerative agriculture. Participate in supply-chain bonus projects with the agro-industry.

Reliable and Verifiable Data

MyEasyCarbon uses numerical data rather than declarative data. Our teams use data from Precision Agriculture adapted to Low Carbon Agriculture.

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They use MyEasyCarbon 📽

Get an overview of the feedback from several partners using MyEasyCarbon and the Simplified diagnostic in this short video. 📖


Read what our users have to say

on MyEasyFarm & MyEasyCarbon ⤵

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