Article POTATO PLANET : MyEasyFarm at SIA

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through data Interfaced with the MyEasyFarm software platform, the MyEasyCarbon module processes data from 25 different sources specific to the farm. Its objectives are to establish a diagnosis, define a plan to reduce CO2 emissions and automatically calculate carbon credits.

Present on the Digital Farm, the AgTech start-up MyEasyFarm is developing a series of tools to support farmers in the agro-ecological transition, particularly around precision farming. As a platform for centralizing agricultural data, it can retrieve data

of tractors and tools used on the farm. From its platform, MyEasyFarm launched in September 2021 the MyEasyCarbon solution for diagnosing, calculating and monitoring carbon credits in field crops, in line with theMinistry ofEcological Transition 's low-carbon label for field crops published in August 2021 .

MyEasyCarbon is already used by several low-carbon low-carbon projects projects and is in the process of final certification by Bureau Veritas. As an as a data aggregator, the aggregator, the start-up addresses both to the holders of of low-carbon projects and farmers.

MyEasyCarbon allows in particular to establish the current carbon balance of the operation for the reference scenario and to simulate the potential gains potential gains from a change farming practices, to document over time the interventions in each plot in each plot of land during the duration of the project, thanks to the Satellite data Sentinel data and the automatic automatically by the agricultural equipment or drivers' mobiles. A calculation of the annual balance of the carbon credits generated on the farm is carried out.


Recently, MyEasyFarm, and VIVESCIA, one of the main French cereal cooperatives , have announced a partnership for the launch of a simplified Carbon Diagnosis in Field Crops .From April 2022 ,it will be offered free of charge to all farmers-cooperators.

Article by Potato Planet, March 2022

This document contains elements protected by copyright. Reproduced by MyEasyFarm with the permission of CFC Paris. Phone number: 01 44 07 47 70

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