Startprecision farming with MyEasyFarm Starter for €50 / year

MyEasyFarm Starter is the ideal tool for getting started on precision farming without the need for connected farm equipment.

The time is right! With MyEasyFarm Starter you can startprecision farming and modulate your inputs today.

Take your first steps in theprecision farming

Don't wait any longer and test the MyEasyFarm starter software:

Compatible with a wide range of plot management software and decision-support tools

MyEasyFarm Starter is compatible with a large number of plot management software packages and Decision Support Tools and Services (DSS) on the market. 


How does it work?

Discover all the features offered byprecision farming MyEasyFarm Starter software

Farm and plot management

With MyEasyFarm Starter, you can easily create your farm and its plots, either manually or from TELEPAC files.


Get immediate access to local weather from MyEasyFarm Starter, and connect easily to weather apps such as Weenat or Sencrop.

Visualize your plain tour

From satellite to tractor with Starter!

With MyEasyFarm Starter, you can visualize your plain with NDVI satellite maps. Monitor crop growth right from your screen.

Simplified input modulation

Take advantage of the input modulation maps provided by your advisors and startprecision farming with MyEasyFarm Starter. 

Quickly and easily export your maps directly to the mobile application for "handheld" modulation.

Create modulation maps from Satellite maps or yield maps.

With MyEasyFarm Starter, you don't need a connected console. Integrate interventions using the mobile application.

Nitrogen Modulation Consulting

MyEasyFarm Starter connects you to PRECI'Fert Azote from PRECIFIELD.

With PRECI'Fert Azote, you can benefit from advice on nitrogen inputs for your entire farm, whenever you want.

Module only available in France.

Mobile Application

Operate your modulation maps from the Driver application in your tractor.

No need for connected equipment or a console in the tractor. All you need to use the platform is your smartphone.

Documentation of interventions

Automatically transmit all the information recorded by themobile application and document each intervention.

All recorded data are transmitted directly to the MyEasyFarm Starter platform.

Get started atprecision farming with Starter

Modulate your fertilizer applications easily from themobile application and benefit from the many features of MyEasyFarm Starter/.

Discoverprecision farming for 50€ /year (Price indicated without VAT)

MyEasyFarm is for you

if you are...

Arable farmer

Arable and wine growers

Agricultural contractors

cooperatives scope 3 low-carbon project regenerative agriculture

Cooperative / merchant

Farm equipment dealer

cooperatives scope 3 low-carbon project regenerative agriculture


Confidentiality of your data - Label DATA AGRI

Through the DATA AGRI label, MyEasyFarm is committed to its users.

With MyEasyFarm, your data remains confidential and is not shared.

No data will be shared without your consent.

You can retrieve your data at any time (withdrawal and portability).

Are you a field crop farmer interested in learning more about MyEasyFarm and Starter?

Discover the added value of MyEasyFarm for farmers. 

Get in touch with our teams to discover the world of MyEasyFarm!

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