For low-carbon project developers

Create a project in line with the LABEL Bas Carbone Arable Crops
as well as international labels and methodologies. MyEasyCarbon is the ideal MRV platform for projects of this type.

Does your project embody excellence in sustainability?

of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from agricultural production.
+ more than 0 %


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💬 "We use MyEasyCarbon as a farm diagnostic tool."

Thibaut Savoye, Partner at Carbone Farmers

We chose MyEasyCarbon because it was the first tool to comply with the Bureau Véritas Label Bas Carbone Grandes Cultures method. It is also interoperable with all other monitoring and data collection tools.

Our service to carbon project developers

🤝 They use our solutions to

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💬 "A complete tool for our team".

Luc Bailly - Co-Founder of ReSoil

We chose MyEasyCarbon not only because it was the first tool to comply with the Bureau Véritas Label Bas Carbone Grandes Cultures method, but also because of the teams' responsiveness and level of collaboration.

📊 You too can follow farms towards an agroecological transition with us

Develop a low-carbon project from A to Z with MyEasyCarbon.

With MyEasyCarbon, you have an MRV (Monitor, Report, Verify) tool for diagnosing, tracking and generating local, reliable and verifiable carbon credits. Follow the progress of individual farms towards an agro-ecological transition. Create a project in line with the LABEL Bas Carbone Grandes Cultures in France, and international methodologies and labels abroad (Verra Methodology VM00042, Gold Standard, carbon certificates).


With MyEasyCarbon, take advantage of a certified tool for diagnosing, simulating, calculating and monitoring low-carbon projects: Label Bas Carbone, Verra, Gold Standard...

Simplified diagnosis

Raise farmers' awareness of the need to change practices rapidly and create a database for Scope 3.


Agricultural advisors and cooperatives can monitor several farms from a single platform.

Project Manager

Manage and track the progress of your projects according to their specific features! Scope 3, Low Carbon, etc.

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